Journey To Loving Your Curls Feat. Ash Paraskevas

Learn All About Ash Paraskevas Curly Hair Journey
Image Source: Via Instagram @ashparaskevas
By Shilpa Bhim
Welcome to our latest series, Ginas. Through the Journey To Loving Your Curls we will share the curly hair journeys of some amazing curly haired guys and gals.
We will highlight the ups and downs and general experiences that different people with curly hair have experienced on the road to loving the curls they were born with.
First up, the wonderful Ashlyn Paraskevas. Ash is a Melbourne based beauty and style blogger and influencer who is all about wholeheartedly being yourself. Ash is known for her gorgeous curls, and her epic hair care and styling tips – she rocks her Damn Gina silk hair turban like a goddess.
But it hasn’t all been love between Ash and her curls. Keep reading to hear all about her curly hair journey, and to learn a bit more about the girl behind the curls!
Tell Us About Yourself
I am from Melbourne, born and raised. I am a blogger/influencer focusing on beauty and some style too. My favourite activity is to pat my little toy poodle Maxi, favourite snack is anything with vegan chocolate and favourite colour is a BRIGHT yellow!
How Did You Feel About Your Curly Hair Growing Up?
Hated it! I never thought it was beautiful or that I could be seen as attractive because of it.
I never saw anyone in the media with hair like mine nor did anyone around me have hair like mine. I felt like an outsider.
Tell Us About Your Curly Hair Journey
I started in January 2020 - I did the big chop. It was the scariest thing I have ever done but it was completely freeing.
The journey has been amazing, I have not only grown as a person, learning to love myself for more than my hair and superficial qualities, but I also have connected to amazing, like minded women.
What Inspired You To Start Rocking Your Curls More?
Feeling tired of always trying to be someone else and I was sick of trying to fit in all the time by relaxing my hair, paying money or getting extensions.
Especially because I only did this out of hate for my hair and who I am. I just wanted to be free and happy with me.
What Are Your Top Products For Looking After Your Curls?
Hydration, deep conditioners and Curly Girl Method approved products only:
- Shampoo: Shea Moisture Curl & Shine
- Conditioner: Curls Coconut CURLada
- Oil: Blueberry Bliss Hair Growth
- Leave in: Bouclème Intensive Moisture Treatment
- Gel: Eco Styler Professional Styling Gel with Olive Oil
- Deep conditioner: Sheamoisture Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration Masque (I use this with a hair steamer)
Any other tips for curly haired women?
Take the leap, you were born with a natural crown, why should you let society win and take that away from you? Not only with this free YOU but it will inspire so many others too!
Shilpa is a freelance beauty, health and travel writer from Melbourne, Australia. When she’s not writing, she’s out and about exploring places around Australia and the world. You can keep up with her adventures over at @skb.ontherun and check out her latest articles here.
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